Press Release Behavox Finds Financial Services Fraud 10 Times More Likely on Voice Platforms Than in Text-Based Communications 2021 11 30 Huge Spike Over Last 12 Months During Work From Home and Hybrid Environments New York – November 30, 2021 – Behavox, which provides insights to protect enterprises and their employees from illegal, immoral, and malicious behavior, today released proprietary workplace data that found rogue trading in the financial services industry has soared over voice communications platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Red Box and Cloud9. “Rogue traders are wising up and moving their conversations to video platforms and the telephone from written text communications,” said Erkin Adylov, founder and CEO of Behavox. “Voice platforms are the new dark alley of financial fraud.” Behavox uses advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning to enable enterprises to organize and refine their employee communications data into actionable information. Its speech transcription rivals Siri and Alexa, and functions in multiple languages. Behavox has found that the use of voice platforms has increased 94 percent year-over-year and that on average almost a third of all workplace communications takes place via phone or video conference calls. However, many financial firms are still hesitant to implement a sufficient voice monitoring strategy, citing that it’s not a serious regulatory requirement. “Regulators have failed to fully realize that fraud can hide behind the digital curtain and that as communication and collaboration channels have multiplied, compliance risk has surged,” said Fahreen Kurji, Chief Customer Intelligence Officer at Behavox. “Voice communications are too dangerous to ignore.” As legacy voice surveillance solutions tend to advocate a random sampling approach, compliance teams are often reviewing just one percent of calls. In contrast, Behavox uses unsupervised machine learning with no human intervention, which allows it to monitor a far broader base of employees more effectively, without personally identifiable employee information. Examples of rogue activity that Behavox has detected includes money laundering and insider trading. Adylov concluded, “Global regulators need to prioritize weeding out the crime and fraud that is hiding in voice channels and the means to do so are now readily available.” Download our latest infographic to discover why your voice communication data is the most likely channel to harbor fraud, and why a random sampling approach is an insufficient approach to surveillance. Read a Case Study on how a leading global bank uses Behavox Voice to relieve regulatory pressure. Share Behavox Ltdについて ビヘイボックスはAIと機械学習を導入し企業がエンタープライズデータを組織化することでビジネスの成長を守る実用的なデータに洗練するエンタープライズデータ企業です。 規制のエキスパートとして信頼されるビヘイボックスは、コンプライアンス、コンダクト、アーカイブソリューションを提供し、グローバル企業や金融機関が、音声、Eメール、テキスト、ソーシャルメディア、チャット、コラボレーションなどの内部コミュニケーションから価値のある洞察を生み出すことを支援します。ビヘイボックスは、Microsoft Teams、Twitter、WeChat、WhatsApp、Zoomなど、企業および非従来型のアプリケーションの150以上のデータ型を複数の言語、行動シナリオ、リスクカテゴリーにわたってカバーしています。 ビヘイボックスは2014年創業、本社をニューヨークに置き、モントリオール、ロンドン、サンフランシスコ、シアトル、シンガポール、東京、ダラス、アブダビにオフィスを構えています。詳細情報については、www.behavox.comをご覧ください。 メディア対応 [email protected] Related Resources Case Study How Behavo… 10月 25, 2021 Infographic Voice Comm… 10月 20, 2021 Infographic MS Teams i… 9月 16, 2021