news | La Presse Canadienne Artificial intelligence: Behavox targets 400 employees in Montreal 2020 06 29 | By Karim Benessaieh The New York firm Behavox, already present in Montreal since 2018, plans to quintuple its staff in the metropolis to reach 400 employees by the end of 2021. The announcement to be made on Monday morning represents a commitment of some 35 million dollars for the company specializing in artificial intelligence. The new offices will be inaugurated at Maison Manulife, boulevard De Maisonneuve Ouest “to respond to the new wave of recruitment of its engineering, data science and product development teams,” the company said in its press release. “Montreal is a breeding ground for talent in the artificial intelligence and machine learning industries, and we want to showcase it,” said Erkin Adylov, founder and CEO of Behavox. “This new development supports our global marketing strategy and allows Behavox to meet the expectations of its Canadian customers with increased efficiency and attention. “ From “end to end” The CEO will settle himself in Montreal, it is announced, illustration of the increased importance that we want to give to the Quebec metropolis. Among the partners who supported Behavox in this investment, we include Montréal International, Investissement Québec International, Manulife Investment Management and Ivanhoé Cambridge. Behavox, which has offices in New York, London, Singapore and Montreal, offers a platform that allows organizations to use their data with analytical tools based on machine learning. It describes itself as being the only one in the world to allow aggregation of data “from end to end”. It was founded in 2014 in London before moving its headquarters to the United States. Last February, it announced an investment of US $ 100 million from the Japanese conglomerate SoftBank. Share Behavox Ltdについて ビヘイボックスはAIと機械学習を導入し企業がエンタープライズデータを組織化することでビジネスの成長を守る実用的なデータに洗練するエンタープライズデータ企業です。 規制のエキスパートとして信頼されるビヘイボックスは、コンプライアンス、コンダクト、アーカイブソリューションを提供し、グローバル企業や金融機関が、音声、Eメール、テキスト、ソーシャルメディア、チャット、コラボレーションなどの内部コミュニケーションから価値のある洞察を生み出すことを支援します。ビヘイボックスは、Microsoft Teams、Twitter、WeChat、WhatsApp、Zoomなど、企業および非従来型のアプリケーションの150以上のデータ型を複数の言語、行動シナリオ、リスクカテゴリーにわたってカバーしています。 ビヘイボックスは2014年創業、本社をニューヨークに置き、モントリオール、ロンドン、サンフランシスコ、シアトル、シンガポール、東京、ダラス、アブダビにオフィスを構えています。詳細情報については、www.behavox.comをご覧ください。 メディア対応 [email protected]