Press Release | Behavox Behavox to Attend Milken Institute Global Conference avril 27, 2022 New York – April 27, 2022 – Behavox, which provides a suite of security products that help compliance, HR, and security teams protect their company and colleagues from bad actors, today announced it will be attending the Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles, May 1-4, 2022. Behavox previously attended the Milken Conference in 2019 and participated in the Milken Asia Summit in 2020, appearing on a panel on artificial intelligence in financial services. Attending next month’s conference in Los Angeles will be Nabeel Ebrahim, Chief Revenue Officer at Behavox, and Fahreen Kurji, Chief Customer Intelligence Officer at Behavox. They will be meeting with multiple industry participants and thought leaders to discuss how machine learning can rapidly advance and improve regulatory compliance and employee conduct in an organization’s digital headquarters. “Aggressive regulatory scrutiny has led established financial firms and crypto start-ups and exchanges to Behavox’s doorstep to help them implement tougher compliance controls,” said Ebrahim. “Bad actors activate when there is heightened volatility, big market shifts and change – the exact conditions we are seeing today. The Milken conference will be the ideal forum for Behavox to share our insights with global thought leaders.” Kurji said, “The Milken conference is well-known for bringing the smartest global thinking to the forefront and Behavox wants to have an active voice in those conversations. Organizations need agile advanced technology and monitoring solutions that ensure they can identify bad actors, wherever in the world they may be.” Behavox counts among its global clients multiple banks, hedge funds, private equity firms, crypto firms and other non-financial companies that are implementing solutions such as Behavox QuantumTM and Behavox Conduct to help them go beyond the regulatory tickbox. To schedule a meeting with Ebrahim and Kurji onsite at the Milken conference, click here. Share À propos de Behavox Ltd. Behavox est une société axée sur les informations qui utilise l’IA comportementale et l’apprentissage automatique pour protéger les entreprises des crises d’entreprise et des événements pouvant mettre fin à une société. Behavox propose des solutions qui aident les entreprises internationales et les sociétés financières à produire des informations précieuses à partir des communications internes telles que les courriels, les messages instantanés, les médias sociaux et les données vocales. Behavox couvre plus de 150 types de données, dont Microsoft Teams, Twitter, WeChat, WhatsApp et Zoom, dans de multiples langues. Fondée en 2014, Behavox est établie à New York et possède des bureaux à Montréal, à Londres, à San Francisco, à Seattle, à Singapour, à Tokyo, à Dallas et à Abou Dhabi. De plus amples informations sur la société se trouvent à l’adresse Press Contact [email protected] Related Resources press-release Behavox Selected by Ion Pacific To Provide Intelligent Archive février 27, 2025 press-release Behavox Acquires Mosaic Smart Data, Expanding Its AI Product Ecosystem… février 25, 2025 press-release Behavox Intelligent Archive Achieves Record-Breaking 300% Growth in Q4 2024 février 18, 2025
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