Press Release Behavox Reports Record First Half 2019 Results juillet 18, 2019 July 18, 2019 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Behavox, a leading artificial intelligence data analytics firm, today announced that accelerated client acquisition in the first half of 2019 has pushed the company into profitability, ahead of its projected target. The milestone comes as Behavox celebrated its five-year anniversary this June with record performance metrics across all categories. “Behavox leverages our industry-leading AI to help companies and their people become better than ever before.” Behavox projects revenue will grow at least 75% in the second half of the year, driven by its market leading Compliance solution. The company is also on track to hit its target of 200 engineers in its Montréal office. “If ever there was a recipe for mutual success, it is the partnership between Behavox clients and our Behavox team,” said Erkin Adylov, Founder and CEO of Behavox. “Behavox is intertwined with our clients in the workplace, using the power of AI to help companies understand, analyze and interpret the attitudes and actions taking place within their walls.” Behavox is headquartered in New York City, with offices in London, Singapore, Montréal and San Francisco with its client base spanning three continents. Clients include: investment banks, trading firms, hedge funds, private equity firms, venture capital firms and broad-based financial service companies All Behavox client is data is aggregated, normalized and centralized, and product offerings fall into the following categories: Compliance – Allowing compliance to become a competitive advantage Revenue – Converting hidden insights into sales opportunities Productivity – Supercharging a team’s creative output Motivation – Turning culture into a strategic asset “Human behavior is the wildcard inside every company that can make or break its success,” said Adylov. “Behavox leverages our industry-leading AI to help companies and their people become better than ever before.” Share À propos de Behavox Ltd. Behavox est une société axée sur les informations qui utilise l’IA comportementale et l’apprentissage automatique pour protéger les entreprises des crises d’entreprise et des événements pouvant mettre fin à une société. Behavox propose des solutions qui aident les entreprises internationales et les sociétés financières à produire des informations précieuses à partir des communications internes telles que les courriels, les messages instantanés, les médias sociaux et les données vocales. Behavox couvre plus de 150 types de données, dont Microsoft Teams, Twitter, WeChat, WhatsApp et Zoom, dans de multiples langues. Fondée en 2014, Behavox est établie à New York et possède des bureaux à Montréal, à Londres, à San Francisco, à Seattle, à Singapour, à Tokyo, à Dallas et à Abou Dhabi. De plus amples informations sur la société se trouvent à l’adresse Press Contact [email protected] Related Resources press-release Behavox Selected by Ion Pacific To Provide Intelligent Archive février 27, 2025 press-release Behavox Acquires Mosaic Smart Data, Expanding Its AI Product Ecosystem… février 25, 2025 press-release Behavox Intelligent Archive Achieves Record-Breaking 300% Growth in Q4 2024 février 18, 2025
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