blog | Regulatory Intelligence Behavox Expands Coverage of WhatsApp and WeChat with Deepened TeleMessage Partnership mai 4, 2021 Josh Ballard Share Increasingly, firms are seeing employees moving voice, text and chat conversations away from traditional communications channels and onto platforms like WhatsApp and WeChat, and now, Signal and Telegram. As a result, many companies are instituting corporate policies that outright ban the use of these apps from the workplace. And although the vast majority of these employees are using these apps for legitimate communications purposes, still others ignore corporate policies and secretly use them anyway for non-compliant, illegal conduct like collusion, market abuse, and insider dealing. Fortunately, Behavox and TeleMessage are partnering to address this very issue, announcing today a deepening of their relationships to help companies mitigate friction between regulatory compliance policies and the proliferation of devices and non-corporate applications by expanding the ability to cover communications applications like WhatsApp and WeChat.« Behavox is enabling customers to ingest WhatsApp and WeChat messages, attachments, and voice calls as part of their regulatory compliance programs,” said Allen Clark, vice president of partnerships for Behavox. “New customers have selected Behavox and TeleMessage for the ability to improve the overall scope and effectiveness of their compliance programs and identify non-compliant activity quickly and accurately to protect their reputation and culture. »Earlier this year, Behavox established an integration partnership with TeleMessage, a provider of mobile communication capture and archiving technology for compliance with financial regulations. Behavox and TeleMessage’s technology teams have worked across multiple R&D areas to introduce effective and reliable infrastructure developments to new customers.Read more about today’s announcement, Behavox Extends Partnership with TeleMessage For Expanded Coverage of WhatsApp, WeChat, And Other Encrypted Mobile Communications Apps. Related Readings Regulatory Intelligence Avoiding the Hidden Price of Non-Compliance: Monitorships novembre 20, 2023 Regulatory Intelligence Benchmarking Behavox Voice Against Leading Transcription Services. novembre 13, 2023 Regulatory Intelligence Unleashing Innovation: How Google Cloud and Behavox transform financial compliance… octobre 4, 2023
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