blog | Regulatory Intelligence Behavox Conduct Webinar Recap May 26, 2023 Nishant Chug Share The past few years have seen an increased focus on non-financial misconduct within the workplace, but the toolkit available to organizations has continued to lag. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has made clear its assertive stance on non-financial misconduct. Our message to firms is clear: non-financial misconduct is misconduct, plain and simple. Chris Woolard, Former Interim FCA CEO True to their word, FCA is now extending its reach on non-financial misconduct even outside the workplace, such as in the case of Ashkan Zahedian (more on this by Latham & Watkins). In the USA, according to Forbes, workplace misconduct cost U.S. businesses $20 Billion annually. It’s long been established that employees are not keen on self-reporting misconduct they see or experience for fear of retaliation. Cultural audits and surveys thrive due to the absence of more effective methods of assessing and driving good conduct and culture. At Behavox, owing to demand from customers and prospects, and with a view of enabling teams who stand on guard of safety, integrity and meritocracy in their organizations, we have leveraged 1) advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 2) our experience working with regulated firms for Compliance monitoring to build Behavox Conduct and Culture. To ensure that Behavox Conduct & Culture is easily accessible, and cognisant that budgets are hard to come by, we’re offering a 90 day free trial, exclusive for existing clients. During an exclusive webinar on May 25th, we presented attendees with the latest advancements in AI and how it can enhance conduct and culture risk monitoring. We talked attendees through the comprehensive coverage they could benefit from within the following conduct and culture risks: Enterprise legal risks (harassment and discrimination) Culture insights Employee satisfaction insights Employee health and safety. Understandably, there is skepticism that solutions might create more work but we demonstrated that Behavox Conduct produces Less alerts, more relevant and actionable insights. Moreover, understanding that organizations want more insights but fewer systems to go into, we spoke about the intuitive dashboards and reporting that provide a consolidated risk heat map highlighting hotspots, and facilitate proactive monitoring and mitigation of conduct and culture risks. Find more about solution highlights here. At our core here at Behavox, we believe in surfacing risks to organizations before it causes harm. To that end, we are working with organizations who believe the same to provide them access to Behavox Conduct and Culture. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at [email protected] and visit our events page to sign up for our next summit, seminar, or roundtable near you. Read more on how AI is changing the world of compliance. Radar Magazine Radar 13 Out Now A New Era For Compliance Download Radar 13 SUBSCRIBE TODAY Complete this form to receive our Newsletter! Thank you for signing up for our Newsletter! Related Readings Regulatory Intelligence The Phenomenal Growth of Behavox’s Intelligent Archive February 20, 2025 Regulatory Intelligence Avoiding the Hidden Price of Non-Compliance: Monitorships November 20, 2023 Regulatory Intelligence Benchmarking Behavox Voice Against Leading Transcription Services. November 13, 2023
Regulatory Intelligence Benchmarking Behavox Voice Against Leading Transcription Services. November 13, 2023