Press Release Behavox Professional Services Team Wins ‘Most Innovative Technology Partnership With a Financial Institution’ Award at Inaugural Canadian RegTech Awards نوفمبر 17, 2021 Behavox, which provides insights to protect enterprises and their employees from illegal, immoral, and malicious behavior, won a joint award with TD Securities for ‘Most Innovative Technology Partnership with a Financial Institution’ at the inaugural Canadian RegTech Awards on November 16. Co-organized by the Canadian Regulatory Technology Association, and EY Canada, the Canadian RegTech Awards celebrates the advancement of regulatory technology solutions that help to improve financial regulatory compliance and oversight in Canada. “Our [Professional Services] team focuses on target operating model improvements, and delivering our innovative solutions on time and on budget,” said Michael Talbert, Head of Project Management at Behavox. Lara Morgan, AVP and Product Delivery Leader at TD Securities said: “Behavox brings industry intelligence and AI expertise to TD Securities and together we are building a shared vision for holistic surveillance to better protect and secure our data. We are proud that this work has been recognized by the Canadian RegTech Awards.” “The new, high-impact platform, delivered by TD Securities in partnership with Behavox, facilitates the enhancement of an end-to-end surveillance solution. It places TD Securities at the forefront of surveillance by integrating communications, trade and conduct surveillance into a flexible and connected design,” said Dan Bosman VP Head of TDS Cross Asset Platform, Data & Innovation. The Canadian RegTech Awards handed out 18 awards to companies that had proven their ability to solve significant industry problems, demonstrated considerable growth, and provided customers with improved efficiencies and cost savings. Behavox has won a number of awards for its industry-leading technology, including a listing in Forbes’ Fintech 50 as one of the world’s most innovative fintech companies. “It’s a privilege to work with forward-thinking organizations like TD Securities that truly care about market integrity and technology innovation,” said Fahreen Kurji, Chief Customer Intelligence Officer at Behavox. Behavox’s innovative technology solves real world problems, such as voice communications being 10x more likely to harbor fraud. Discover how a leading global bank uses Behavox Voice to relieve regulatory pressure. Learn more about how the Behavox Professional Services team can help organizations implement transformative projects within just four months, by booking a demo. Share نبذة عن شركة بيهيفوكس محدودة المسؤولية. Behavox شركة رؤى تستخدم تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة المتخصصة في مراقبة السلوك؛ من أجل حماية الشركات من الوقوع في أزمات وأحداث مؤسسية قد تقضي عليها. تقدم شركة Behavox حلولًا تساعد المؤسسات العالمية على توليد رؤى قيّمة من بيانات الاتصالات الداخلية مثل البريد الإلكتروني والرسائل الفورية ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والاتصالات الصوت. يُغطي نظام Behavox أكثر من 150 نوعًا من أنواع البيانات، بما في ذلك Microsoft Teams وTwitter WeChat وWhatsApp وZoom، عبر لغات متعددة. أُسِسَت شركة Behavox في عام 2014، ويقع مقرها الرئيسي في مدينة نيويورك، ولها مكاتب في مونتريال ولندن وسان فرانسيسكو وسياتل وسنغافورة وطوكيو ودالاس وأبو ظبي، والمزيد من المعلومات عن الشركة متاح عبر الرابط التالي: اتصالات صحفية [email protected] Related Resources press-release Behavox、2024年に年間経常収益(ARR)44%の成長を達成、グローバルAIコンプライアンスリーダーとしての地位を確立 يناير 27, 2025 press-release Behavox Reports 44% ARR Growth in 2024, Solidifying Its Position… يناير 22, 2025 press-release Behavox Secures $70 Million Credit Facility from Hercules Capital for… أكتوبر 31, 2024