Press Release | Business Wire Behavox Announces $100 Million Investment From Softbank Vision Fund 2 فبراير 24, 2020 NEW YORK, LONDON, & TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Behavox, the world’s only end-to-end Data Operating Platform that enables companies to aggregate, analyze, and act on their entire organization’s data, today announced a $100 million investment from SoftBank Vision Fund 2.* Powered by machine learning and advanced analytics, Behavox is an organization’s single entry point for all internal data. The software enables organizations to mitigate compliance, cyber and conduct risk, while identifying revenue opportunities in large volumes of communications data. Behavox is proud to count SoftBank Investment Advisers among its customer base, which also includes banks such as Jefferies, hedge funds such as Balyasny Asset Management, mining companies such as Anglo American, sovereign wealth funds and private equity firms. In 2019, Behavox increased revenues through a diverse mix of customers from Canada, Japan, Singapore, and the United States. The firm further diversified across industry verticals by adding customers in the technology and energy sectors. “This investment will allow Behavox to further focus on and invest in the needs of our customers, who are at the heart of everything we do at Behavox,” said Erkin Adylov, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Behavox. “We are excited about being able to bring our software to more customers around the world. We will be making heavy investments in our cutting-edge product and premier customer service, on which we have built our reputation.” SoftBank Investment Advisers performed extensive due diligence on Behavox prior to making the investment. It started by purchasing the Platform and witnessing the value proposition of Behavox as a user first-hand. “We believe Behavox is at the forefront of the AI revolution and is driving new market standards for making internal communications data useful to a broad range of users, from compliance to analysis of insider threats, from archiving and data governance to CRM automation,” said Munish Varma, Managing Partner at SoftBank Investment Advisers. “We’ve experienced the incredible insights and sophisticated analysis of the Behavox platform and are firm believers in their mission to organize all corporate communications data on earth to add value for successful companies.” Following SoftBank Vision Fund 2’s investment, Adylov and key employees remain the largest shareholders in the business, which will continue to prioritize clients and stakeholders alike with a focus on industry-leading execution. Following the announcement, Behavox is planning a global client roadshow in the coming months. Behavox will be meeting with its clients (and prospects) in all major cities (Singapore, Tokyo, Frankfurt, London, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Montreal and Toronto) to discuss its most recent 2019 results. * As of the date of this press release, SoftBank Group Corp. has made capital contributions to allow investments by SoftBank Vision Fund 2 (“SVF 2”) in certain portfolio companies. The information included herein is made for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy limited partnership interests in any fund, including SVF 2. SVF 2 has yet to have an external close, and any potential third-party investors shall receive additional information related to any SVF 2 investments prior to closing. Share نبذة عن شركة بيهيفوكس محدودة المسؤولية. Behavox شركة رؤى تستخدم تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة المتخصصة في مراقبة السلوك؛ من أجل حماية الشركات من الوقوع في أزمات وأحداث مؤسسية قد تقضي عليها. تقدم شركة Behavox حلولًا تساعد المؤسسات العالمية على توليد رؤى قيّمة من بيانات الاتصالات الداخلية مثل البريد الإلكتروني والرسائل الفورية ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والاتصالات الصوت. يُغطي نظام Behavox أكثر من 150 نوعًا من أنواع البيانات، بما في ذلك Microsoft Teams وTwitter WeChat وWhatsApp وZoom، عبر لغات متعددة. أُسِسَت شركة Behavox في عام 2014، ويقع مقرها الرئيسي في مدينة نيويورك، ولها مكاتب في مونتريال ولندن وسان فرانسيسكو وسياتل وسنغافورة وطوكيو ودالاس وأبو ظبي، والمزيد من المعلومات عن الشركة متاح عبر الرابط التالي: اتصالات صحفية [email protected] Related Resources press-release Behavox Selected by Ion Pacific To Provide Intelligent Archive فبراير 27, 2025 press-release Behavox Acquires Mosaic Smart Data, Expanding Its AI Product Ecosystem… فبراير 25, 2025 press-release Behavox Intelligent Archive Achieves Record-Breaking 300% Growth in Q4 2024 فبراير 18, 2025
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