تستخدم شركة Behavox تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي؛ من أجل تمكين المؤسسات من تنظيم أعمالها وتدقيق بياناتها لتستخرج منها معلومات مفيدة تحمي وتعزز نمو الأعمال (100 Million) ممول مستثمرون آخرون يمكنك الوثوق بنا We have vast customer experience We have experience successfully implementing the largest, most complex, global projects in the industry We have the right people Our team has the expertise you can count on. We are an indispensable extension of your team We constantly innovate & enhance Risk and regulations constantly change. Our processes, products, and technology continuously incorporate regulatory updates and adapt to identify leading indicators of risk مواقعنا New York (HQ) Montreal London Seattle Tokyo Singapore